A Child's Happiness

Hello October and hello to you! Here is my contribution for We Believe Blog Train. This month the theme is called "A Child's Happiness" based on the scripture 3 John 1:4 " I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth". I hope you enjoy my contribution. Please make sure to visit all of the designers and grab their part, as they have all made some beautiful things for you. Thank you so very much for visiting my site. I hope you have a happy & blessed day! God Bless You!

P.S. Check out my STORE at My Memories. I have added some fun new kits and tomorrow our blog train comes out. Make sure to come back tomorrow and collect that blog train gift as well.

Nellie Bell
Songbird Scraps Designs <<<< You are HERE
Rush Ranch
A-M Designs
Dreamn4ever Designs
LEA Art Designs
Moore Blessings Digital Designs
We Believe Blog Page


Shannon said…
Such a beautiful and vibrant kit. Very inspirational, thank you so much for sharing.
Dannisa said…
Thank you for your generosity. It is very much appreciated.
Lovely theme this month, thank you!
Gala said…
Большое спасибо за чудесный набор!
Anonymous said…
Merci ever so much Tammy ! :)
C from Paris ♥
Cesc said…
Thank you for this delightful kit.

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