Book Of Dreams

Hello everyone! This is my contribution for Scrappin' Your Heart Out Blog Train. This month the theme is called "Book Of Dreams". We were each supposed to choose a book that we love and make our kit according. I chose Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. I hope you enjoy! Please make sure to visit all the designers sites, as they have all made some beautiful things for you! Thank you all so much for visiting my site. I hope you have a happy & blessed day!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! P.S. Make sure to visit my Store at My Memories. I have some new kits added and I also have a new Christmas FREEBIE that will be available on Friday, Nov. 23. Download Miggins Digiscrap Angelhaze AnnieCDigitals Songbird Scraps Designs Rush Ranch Thatsjustpenny Designs Nellie Bell LEA Art Designs Not Just Stitches Lady DGScrap Check out our Blog and if you are a designer and would like to contribute to the train with us come and join our FB Page (d...