Scrap Twist Designers Blog Train - August 2021

Scrap Twist Designers Blog Train has left the station! Toot Toot!! Happy August to you. Can you believe that it's August already?? It's almost Christmas!! Ha Ha!! This month the theme is called "Love Of Nature". It was my turn to choose the theme and color palette, so I wanted something with Sunflowers. I hope you enjoy it. Please make sure to visit the other designers sites, as they have made some beautiful things for you. Thank you so much for visiting my site and for your support. I hope you have a wonderful and blessed August. God Bless You!! P.S. Check out my latest store kits at My Memories. I have a new bundle kit coming out next Friday!! Download FULL BLOG TRAIN LISTING KJDdesigns Marniejo's House of Scraps Nellie Bell Songbird Scraps Designs - YOU ARE HERE Pixels O' Faith Lady DGScrap KJDdesigns - Marniejo's House of Scraps - Nellie - https://nelliebellsuniqueboutique...